Girls are like credit cards. If you’ve got none, they couldn’t care less about you. As soon as you get one, they’ll keep chasing you until it gets annoying. This is preselection. Vetting a person requires effort and risk-taking, so why go for an unvetted one when someone else already made that effort? Girls are […]
How To Have Fun Conversations With Girls
It’s no secret that most guys play it safe in conversations with girls they want to get into bed. Unfortunately, being overly cautious with your topics of conversation guarantees two things: 1) the conversation will be boring and 2) you’ll run out of topics pretty damn quick. Neither you or the girls you talk to […]
Why Girls Like Assholes
This is something every man has wondered at some point in their life. Why would a girl go for a dude who treats her badly instead of going for a guy who treats her like a queen? that’s some 69 IQ decision making right there, specially if the first guy peaks in high school and […]
Why Learning Game Is A Worthwhile Investment For A Young Engineer
The standard advice among overachievers is “focus on money first, girls will come later”. This is good advice, but without clarification it also introduces a huge risk. Let me paint you a scenario: You’re a young hot shot in software engineering who gets a 6-fig offer right out of college. After a few years on […]
How To Make A Girl Like You More Than A Friend
AKA how to get out of the friendzone. I’ve been there, endlessly pining over a girl who is always nice but never available for a date. Patiently waiting to take a shot, living for accidental touches and short-lived flirting moments while looking at her pictures every day. If you’re in this situation, which has become […]
How To Beat Approach Anxiety
One of the most common issues guys reach to me about is approach anxiety. We’ll look into how to move past it in this post. Quick recap on how you get a date with a pretty girl: you go out, approach a girl you would like to ask out, start talking, have a good time […]